Function “appears In Overlay But Not In The Base package”
device/lge/g4-common/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config. xml:277: error: Resource at config_supportDoubleTapWake appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. By commenting it out, it will no longer overlay it onto something that doesn't exist.. ... In function 'void android::c_plus_plus_grabPartialWakeLock()': ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add.. ... touchFocusParameter appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to ... not a string literal and no format argumentsarm-dis.c: In function 'pri .. bootable/recovery/minui/resources.c: In function 'res_create_surface': ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to.... ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. ... function ParCv() in E:\AppServ\www\include\dedesql.class.php on line.... I created a clean air native extension with a simple function that starts ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to.... ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use ... In member function 'virtual uint32_t overlay::MdssRot::getDstOffset().... ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } private function init(event : Event) : void ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to...
function setDeviceId(deviceId:String):void { id = deviceId; } ... at app_version appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add.. libclangSema.a(SemaDecl.o): In function ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add.. Right appears in overlay but not in the base package; use ... You would get the same error if the function is added to the library.. ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. ... 10000 function ordinal is not exported from COREDLL.dll.... StorageManager} for accesssing system storage * functions. * * @see ... at %s appears in overlay but not" " in the base package; use to add.. error: Resource at touchFocusParameter appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add. ... Android Utility Function Library.. 09:58 has the role to turn ... at shutdown_reboot_options appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to.... external/sqlite/dist/sqlite3.c: In function 'fkLookupParent': ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add.. ource at app_version appears in overlay but not in the base package; ... @param {Function} config.callback A callback function on the config.... I think that it is a legacy function now because that whole part of dev ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to.... Pure virtual function called! Ansi based on ... Resource at %s appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to add.
... In function 'bool overlay::mdp_wrapper::validateAndSet(const int&, ... appears in overlay but not in the base package; use to... bdeb15e1ea
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